I am so excited for 4 months because the last two weeks of month 3 have been so fun! I have a very advanced baby!;-) LOL! The last couple weeks she has been so much more alert to her surroundings and doing more and more exciting things. The other day I had her on her changing table doing the usual morning ritual. Anyway, I was chatting away with her in some kind of funny voice and she did a full on belly laugh. It was the cutest noise I have ever heard! I tried like crazy to get her to do it again. I guess I haven't quite figured out her sense of humor, because I couldn't get her to do it again for the life of me. The next morning she did the same thing. I can't wait until I know how to make her laugh and I hear that sound all day!. Then...a couple days ago Jason was doing some tummy time with her and out of the blue she just rolled over onto her back. Jason yelled to me to come in and see. Luckily for me, she did do it again. She loves sitting up in her bumbo seat and tries to sit up in the tub. And just today she finally started to look at the books I was reading her. Which is a good thing, because I swear the kids favorite toy is the remote control. I kid you not, she is just like her dad.

She gets a lot of attention from her cousins and she loves it. Here she is with Luke and Cayden.
Notice where the binky is. Still a thumb sucker!
That little bear blankie thing is her new favorite thing to sleep with. She snuggles that thing and uses the blankie part to cover her face and eyes when she wants to go to bed.