Friday, June 3, 2011

The Adams Family is blessed again!

I have both of my children (boy that sounds weird) napping, so i have to make the most of my time right? Maybe I should I be napping too, but this 4 hours a night thing hasn't been too bad:-) I am happy to announce that Jason and I rocked our worlds one more time with the arrival of Nash Jason Adams on May 25th, 2011. He came at 3:11a.m. He weighed 8 pounds and was 20 1/2 (really 21) inches long. He has this cutest head of dark hair, that I'm sure will eventually go blonde:-( Of course, like Wynter, my little man is jaundice and has been soaking up the rays on his little tanning bed the last couple days. However, I think that is the safest place for him to be these days. Wynter is adjusting, I'm sure it will take some time;-) She loves looking at him but eventually it turns into poking and patting (a little too hard) and trying to lift the baby up. She is learning the art of a good tantrum and I'm hearing the word baby and no a lot these days. The saddest part is how fast this is making Wynter grow up. The day I brought Nash home, Wynter does not look the same to me. I have a "big girl" now...well kinda. I almost hate getting her dressed or doing her hair because it makes her look so much older. I'm so excited to survive this year and see my 2 little ones grow to be close friends. I can't believe how much my life has changed in the last 3 years. I asked Jason the other night that if he realized that i've been pregnant for 18 months out the 3 years we've been married! That's half the time!!! He assured me that he does realize that. Ha Ha!!!

My first time meeting my new boyfriend! I loved him instantly!

Not too sure if Wynter did though. This moment will stay in my heart forever though. She was so unsure but soft the first time she met her little brother. She will be a very helper one day.

And this picture right here sums up what my life is about! Love!

K, so I don't think Wynter and Nash look anything alike really. However, this pic (not the best quality) looks a LOT like Wynter's birth announcement.

Look at all that hair! He was born with a faux hawk.

My boys!
Jason has been so great and busy playing with (distracting) Wynter, moments like this don't come easy.

The best part about this pic is the way he is holding his hands if the guitar on his shirt was the other direction. Awesome!

Lets see, this makes number 18 for my parents. Grandpa loves that Nash evened out the head count for boys and girls with the grand kids. 9 and 9!

Just another moment to hold dear!

Umm...need I say more.